论坛:2022 第二届国际心血管3D打印技术高峰论坛
  • Sanatorio de la Trinidad Mitre, Argentina
    De Brahi医生是阿根廷Sanatorio de la Trinidad Mitre医院TAVI和TMVR项目负责人,也是微创心通,波士顿科学和Meril等多家公司的带教术者,主要擅长于结构性心脏病介入治疗以及多模态影像评估。 Dr. De Brahi is the leader of TAVI and TMVR program at Sanatorio de la Trinidad Mitre Hospital, Argentina, and a trainer of MicroPort, Boston Scientific and Meril, specializing in interventional treatment of structural heart disease and multimodal imaging assessment.