论坛:2022 第二届国际心血管3D打印技术高峰论坛
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong
    李耿渊教授现任香港伊利沙伯医院心脏病科主任,香港大学及香港中文大学的荣誉临床副教授。现任香港医院管理局中央委员会(心脏科)主席,并获委任为亚太区介入性心脏病学会(APSIC)候任会长。他的主攻方向包括STEMI的PCI治疗,心源性休克的救治,结构性心脏病的介入治疗和机器人辅助下PCI治疗。 Dr Michael KY Lee is currently Director of Department of Cardiology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong. He is also the Honorary Clinical Associate Professor of both the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He graduated from The University of Hong Kong and received his overseas training in Interventional Cardiology at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA from 1999 – 2000. He is currently the Chairman of the Central Committee (Cardiac Service) of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority and has also been appointed the President-Elect of the Asian Pacific Society of Interventional Cardiology (APSIC). His special interests include Primary PCI for STEMI, Mechanical Circulatory Devices for Cardiogenic Shock, Structural Heart Interventions and Robotic-assisted PCI.