Nils JOHNSON : 近期“阴性”结果的FFR研究
  • Professor of Medicine ,McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

    Nils Johnson, MD, MS, is a professor of medicine at McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston). His research with his mentor, Dr. K. Lance Gould, started in 1999. This research focuses on clinical coronary physiology, from non-invasive perfusion imaging to intracoronary hemodynamics. Dr. Johnson served as the principal investigator for international trials in coronary physiology like CONTRAST (NCT02184117) and DEFINE-FLOW (NCT02328820). Current projects include quantitative FFR pullbacks (PPG registry, NCT04789317) and novel aortic valve physiology (SAVI-AoS, NCT04514250). He has lectured in 19 countries across four continents and contributed to over 140 publications. Dr. Johnson is a full professor of medicine and holds the Weatherhead Distinguished Chair of Heart Disease.