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CSI Webinar: Coarctation (5月28日)
Michael Quail(Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children) : Best imaging for planning stent implantation
John Thomson(Leeds General Infirmary) : How to treat transverse arch hypoplasia
Grazyna Brzezinska-Rajszys(The Children's Memorial Health Institute) : Mid aortic syndrome
Alain Fraisse(Royal Brompton Hospital) : Covered vs bare metal stents; when to use them
Lee Benson(The Hospital for Sick Children) : Complications of stenting aortic arch: how to avoid, how to solve
Peter Ewert(German Heart Center Munich) : Coarctation + aneurysm
Peter Zartner(Kinderherzzentrum Bonn) : Catheter interventions in small babies
Guiti Milani(Necker Enfants Malades Hospital) : The French experience and a glimpse of the new Optimus stent
Alejandro Rodriguez Ogando(Gregorio Marañon University) : The challenge of establishing the indication of percutaneous treatment in borderline coarctation of the aorta: correlation between the non-invasive and invasive assessment