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April.7th|HRS@China 2017 (HRS@China 2017)

Opening Speech for HRS (HRS@China 2017)

  • Michael Gold(President of HRS) Shu Zhang(President of CSA) Congxin Huang(President of CSPE) : Opening Speech for HRS

Session 1. Contemporary Management of Atrial Fibrillation (HRS@China 2017)

  • Wendy Tzou : Lifestyle factors to reduce atrial fibrillation burden
  • Douglas Packer : When to recommend ablation for persistent AF?
  • Michael Gold : Subclinical AF: Implications of device based episodes
  • Bruce Wilkoff : Insertable Loop Recorder: When should it be used?
  • Tea Break

Session 2. Controversies in Ablation (HRS@China 2017)

  • George Van Hare : Ablation of asymptomatic WPW
  • Wendy Tzou : Ablation Versus Amiodarone for Treatment of Ischemic Ventricular Tachycardia
  • Michael Gold : When to ablate PVCs?
  • Douglas Packer : Should PVI Be Performed With CTI Ablation?
  • Lunch in Kai Feng Hall(3F)

Session 3. Cardiac Rhythm Device Therapy (HRS@China 2017)

  • Bruce Wilkoff : Indications for lead extraction and how to prevent infection
  • George Van Hare : Pacing for Complete Congenital Heart Block:When to Implant,How Many Leads?
  • Wendy Tzou : Should primary prevention ICDs still be implanted in patients With dilated cardiomyopathy?
  • Michael Gold : Techniques for optimizing LV lead position in CRT
  • Tea Break

Session 4. Newer Techniques and Devices for Arrhythmia Therapy: Joint Session of APHRS and HRS (HRS@China 2017)

  • Jonathan Kalman : Left Atrial Appendage Closure
  • Michael Gold : Who are the Right Candidates for a Subcutaneous ICD?
  • Douglas Packer : What Are the Best Targets for AF Ablation:Pulmonary Veins,Rotors,CFAE,or GPs
  • Chu-Pak Lau : Who are the Best Candidates for Leadless Pacemaker?

April.8th|APHRS Summit Scientific Sessions 2017 (APHRS Summit 2017)

Opening speech (APHRS Summit 2017)

  • Shu Zhang : Opening speech by the President of the APHRS

Session 1. Management of Atrial Fibrillation (APHRS Summit 2017)

  • Young-Hoon Kim : Impact of New Technology on Outcome of Ablation in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
  • Jonathan Kalman : Mechanisms of Persistent AF
  • Shih Ann Chen : Catheter Ablation of Long-Standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation:Is There a Consensus?
  • Andrew McGavigan : Device detected Burden of AF
  • Hendrik Bonnemeier : Optimize the management of AF ablation patient vs. best clinical practice sharing
  • Discussion
  • Tea Break

Session 2. Device Therapy (APHRS Summit 2017)

  • Dejia Huang : Prevention of SCD after Coronary Revascularization in China——EPCI Consensus and Best Practice Sharing
  • Martin Stile : Wearable Defibrillators From clinical trials to reality
  • David Heaven : Alternative RV Pacing Sites: Rationale and Results
  • Weijian Huang : Permanent His-Bundle Pacing It's easier than you think!
  • Yoshinori Kobayashi : When to implant ICD in ARVC:Current consensus on the indication of ICD in ARVC
  • Wataru Shimizu : J wave syndrome - an update
  • Discussion
  • Lunch

Session 3. Management of Ventricular Tachcardia (APHRS Summit 2017)

  • Takashi Nitta : Surgical Ablation for Non-ischemic VT
  • Chi Keong Ching : Role of Drugs,Ablation and Devices in Brugada Syndrome
  • Yong-Seog Oh : Asymptomatic Brugada Syndrome:How to manage
  • Minglong Chen(代讲) : Catheter Ablation of Left Fascicular Ventricular Tachycardia:New Perspectives
  • Discussion
  • Tea Break

Session 4. Cardiac Resychronization Therapy (APHRS Summit 2017)

  • Chu-Pak Lau : Alternative Device Approach Neural Stimulation for in Heart Failure Beyond CRT
  • Wei Hua : What is the optimal solution to increase CRT response?
  • Prash Sanders : Implications of AF in CRT
  • Xiaohong Zhou : Pacing Only the Left Ventricle to Resynchronize the Ventricles
  • Discussion