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IMAGING LIVE 声火相传-亚太结构性心脏病培训班系列 (2019年4月22日)
Yawei XU (CHN) : Welcome Remarks
Yawei XU(CHN) : Challenges and Opportunities for Advancing Interventional Echocardiology in China
Puiwai LEE (HK) : How to Become an Competent Interventional Echocardiologist?
Ming Chon HSIUNG(Taiwan) : ASE Guidelines and Standards for TEE: Step by Steps
Live Case 1:TEE/ICE Guided Procedure (LAAO)
Yat yin LAM (HK) : ICE Guidance for Structural Interventions: Case illustrations
Live Case 2: TEE/ICE Guided Procedure (ASD)
MengyunZHU (CHN) : Use of TEE Before, During and After LAAO Procedures
Live Case 3: TEE (focus Mitral/Tricuspid)
Chingwei LEE (Taiwan) : TEE Guidance of MitraClip for Mitral Regurgitation: Step by Steps
Live Case 4: TEE (focus Aortic)
Puiwai LEE (HK) : TTE/TEE Guidance of MitraClip for Tricuspid Regurgitation: Step by Step
Live Case 5: TEE/ICE Guided Procedure (LAAO)
Chingwei LEE (Taiwan) : Imager Saves the Day (1): Case-based Discussions
Live Case 6: TEE/ICE Guided Procedure (LAAO)
Puiwai LEE (HK) : Imager Saves the Day (2): Case-based Discussions
Live Case 7: TEE/ICE Guided Procedure(ASD)
Yat yin LAM (HK) : Conclusions