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Session 1: Imaging the LAA: Tools and techniques, tips and tricks (11月16日)

  • Moderators : Shakeel Qureshi, Bushra Rana
  • Panelists : Jacqueline Saw, Xavier Freixa
  • Social media / online moderator : Matthew Daniels
  • Live center coordinator : Stefan Bertog
  • Jacqueline Saw : CT for pre-procedural evaluation,CT acquisition technique and how to evaluate - Case example
  • Bushra Rana : How to do TEE for LAA evaluation and intraprocedural guidance,Step by step and tips and tricks
  • Xavier Freixa : Left atrial appendage closure guidance with a micro TEE probe,Ease of use – Image quality
  • Live case from the CardioVascular Center Frankfurt CVC, Germany
  • Bushra Rana : TEE for follow-up after LAA closure,Clot or tissue proliferation? What is a residual leak? How to measure?
  • Raveen Bazaz : Utility of Radial ICE positioned at the LAA to guide appendage closure
  • Jens-Erik Nielsen Kudsk : Debate ICE in better
  • Maurice Buchbind : Debate TEE is better
  • Ole De Backer : Early experience with computational modelling and simulation in order to optimize LAA closure outcomes
  • Anish Amin : ICE for intraprocedural guidance

Session 2: New trial data (11月16日)

  • Moderators : Maurice Buchbinder, Vivek Reddy
  • Panelists : Simon Lam, Leif-Hendrik Boldt, Krzysztof Bartus
  • Social media / online moderator : Jacqueline Saw
  • Live center coordinator : Stefan Bertog
  • Live case from the CardioVascular Center Frankfurt CVC, Germany
  • Martin Bergmann : Update on WATCHMAN trials
  • Dabit Arzamendi : Update on Amulet trials
  • Xavier Freixa : Update on LAmbre trials
  • Randall Lee : Update on LARIAT trials
  • Timo Weimar : Atricure,More than 100.000 patients treated
  • Stefan Bertog : What is new about NOACS? Trial results and daily practice
  • Vivek Reddy : A deep dive into CABANA,Implications for ablation and for LAA closure
  • Martin Bergmann : Atrial Fibrillation AS and Risk of Stroke....How to Manage
  • Timo Weimar : Surgical LAA closure,Is it safe and effective?

Session 3: How to get access to the LAA (11月16日)

  • Moderators : Eberhard Grube, Kevin Walsh
  • Panelists : Dabit Arzamendi, Norbert Klein, Marek Grygier
  • Social media / online moderator : Sameer Gafoor
  • Live center coordinator : Shakeel Qureshi
  • Live case from the CardioVascular Center Frankfurt CVC, Germany
  • Jacqueline Saw : Transseptal puncture for LAA closure,How to do it, where to puncture in routine cases and where in special anatomies?
  • Simon Lam : Conventional transseptal needles and alternative techniques,Devices and accessories
  • Norbert Klein : Complications of transseptal puncture,What can happen? How to prevent and how to manage

Session 4: Challenging cases – advanced tricks and tips (11月16日)

  • Moderators : Apostolos Tzikas, Vivek Reddy
  • Panelists : Stefan Bertog, Jan Kovac, Sergio Berti
  • Social media / online moderator : Matthew Daniels
  • Live center coordinator : Sameer Gafoor
  • Live case from the CardioVascular Center Frankfurt CVC, Germany
  • Jan Kovac : Challenging case with WATCHMAN™
  • Norbert Klein : Challenging case with LAmbre
  • Kevin Walsh : Challenging case with AMULET™

Session 5: Devices and techniques – Established, recently approved or still in the pipeline (11月16日)

  • Moderators : Vivek Reddy, Eberhard Grube
  • Panelists : Marcus Sandri, Apostolos Tzikas
  • Social media / online moderator : Matthew Daniels
  • Live center coordinator : Sameer Gafoor
  • Apostolos Tzikas : Amulet
  • Vivek Reddy : Watchman and the new WATCHMAN FLX
  • Anish Sadhu : WATCHMAN FLX experience
  • Martin Bergmann : Clinical experience with WaveCrest
  • Abdi Rasekh : LARIAT
  • Iqbal Malik : A technical overview
  • Kolja Sievert : SeaLA
  • Thorsten Hanke : AtriClip
  • Krzysztof Bartus : AEGIS
  • Marcus Sandri : The Cormos LAA-Occluder

Session 6: New indications and strategies to explore (11月17日)

  • Moderators : Eberhard Grube, Kevin Walsh
  • Panelist : Abdi Rasekh, Suneet Mittal
  • Social media / online moderator : Jacqueline Saw
  • Live center coordinator : Stefan Bertog
  • Live case from the CardioVascular Center Frankfurt CVC, Germany
  • Suneet Mittal : LAA closure before, during or after ablation
  • Jan Peruga : LAA closure in patients with PCI and atrial fibrillation
  • sameer Gafoor : Debate: Should all LAA be electrically isolated first before occlusion in symptomatic persistent atrial fibrillation?
  • Suneet Mittal : aMAZE trial, rational, design and update
  • Achille Gaspardone : LAA closure in the presence of persistent thrombus: how to minimize the embolic risk
  • Tom Wong : Debate: After surgical LAA closure …
  • Thorsten Hanke : After surgical LAA closure anticoagulation can be stopped
  • Anish Amin : Anticoagulation MUST be continued Following Surgical LAA occlusion

Session 7: Challenging cases – Advanced tricks and tips (11月17日)

  • Moderators : Maurice Buchbinder, Marcus Sandri, Eberhard Grube
  • Panelists : Stefan Bertog, Jan Peruga
  • Social media / online moderator : Matthew Daniels
  • Live center coordinator : Sameer Gafoor
  • Live case from the CardioVascular Center Frankfurt CVC, Germany
  • Leif-Hendrik Boldt : Challenging case with LAmbre
  • Kevin Walsh : Challenging case with AMULET™
  • Marcus Sandri : Challenging case with WATCHMAN™
  • Xavier Freixa : Challenging case with AMULET™
  • Discussion

Session 8: How to find appropriate patients (11月17日)

  • Moderators : Apostolos Tzikas, Sameer Gafoor
  • Panelists : He Huang, Jacob Odenstedt
  • Social media / online moderator : Matthew Daniels
  • Live center coordinator : Shakeel Qureshi
  • Live case from the CardioVascular Center Frankfurt CVC, Germany
  • Stefan Bertog : Risk scores,How good can they predict stroke and bleeding risk?
  • Jacqueline Saw : How to increase awareness,Media, social media, referral meetings
  • Simon Lam : When is LAA closure indicated according to guidelines,Europe, US, Asia, worldwide

Session 9: Complications of LAA closure (11月17日)

  • Moderators : Eberhard Grube, Maurice Buchbinder
  • Panelists : Raveen Bazaz, Evgeny Merkulov, Jingquan Zhong
  • Social media / online moderator : Kolja Sievert
  • Live center coordinator : Jacqueline Saw
  • Matthew Daniels : A case of tamponade
  • Grigory Simonyan : A case of device embolisation
  • Maurice Buchbinder : Can LAA devices embolize late?
  • Kolja Sievert : A case of residual leak post device closure
  • Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy : A residual leak post LARIAT
  • Evgeny Merkulov : A case of thrombus on the device
  • Randall Lee : Differences in LAAC related thrombus with occluders versus percutaneous epicardial ligation

Session 10: Postprocedural management and follow up after LAA closure (11月17日)

  • Moderators : Sameer Gafoor, Matthew Daniels
  • Panelists : Mohamad Alkhouli, Xavier Freixa, Xiaochun Zhang
  • Social media / online moderator : Jacqueline Saw
  • Live center coordinator : Stefan Bertog
  • Live case from the CardioVascular Center Frankfurt CVC, Germany
  • Jacqueline Saw : When and how to do TEE follow-up and what to look for
  • Jens Erik NielsenKudsk : Role of cardiac CT in follow-up after LAA closure
  • Adel Aminian : LAAO Device-related thrombosis: incidence and predictors and clinical impact
  • Gilles Montalescot : Postprocedural medication,Short term anticoagulation? Antiplatelet therapy? Or nothing?
  • Mohamad Alkhouli : What to do in case of residual leaks,Anticoagulation? Leak closure? Nothing?
  • Matthew Daniels : What to do in case of thrombus formation on the device,Anticoagulation? How long?

Session 11: Interesting and challenging cases (11月17日)

  • Moderators : Shakeel Qureshi, Apostolos Tzikas
  • Panelists : Thorsten Hanke, Simon Lam, Wei Chen, Marek Grygier
  • Social media / online moderator : Jacqueline Saw
  • Live center coordinator : Sameer Gafoor
  • Simon Lam : Case 1
  • Mengyun Zhu : Case 2
  • Dabit Arzamendi : Case 4
  • Krzysztof Bartus : Case 5

Closing remarks and goodbye (11月17日)
