3406 人次


  • Hans-Reiner Figulla(University Jena) : TAVR for aortic regurgitation
  • Vaikom Mahedevan(Univesity of California San Francisco) : Non-invasive imaging pathways for coronary artery disease
  • Liwen Liu(The First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University (Xijing Hospital)) : A new technique for transthoracic treatment of HOCM
  • Maxim Itkin(University of Pennsylvania) : Lymphatic interventions for complications of congenital heart diseases
  • Frank Ing(University of California – Davis) : Recanalization of chronically occluded veins
  • James Thompson(Inova Heart and Vascular Institute) : Live transmission from Inova Heart and Vascular Institute, Falls Church, Virginia


  • Vaikom Mahadevan(University of California San Francisco) : Mitral valve in MAC: patient selection and how to do it
  • Jacob Mishell(Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Medical Center) : Mitral edge-to-edge repair for FMR – Update on clinical trials
  • Marvin Eng(Henry Ford Health System) : Initial experience with PASCAL
  • Mark Reisman(University of Washington Medical Center) : Initial experience with the new Mitraclip
  • Eberhard Grube(Heart Center Bonn) : Update on transcatheter mitral annuloplasty techniques
  • Brian Whisenant(Intermountain Heart Institute) : Cardioband
  • Horst Sievert(Cardiovascular Center Frankfurt) : Deep dive into first and only blinded randomized trial in mitral valve repair
  • Danny Dvir(University of Washington Medical Center) : Mitral valve in valve and valve in ring: my 10 most important tips and tricks
  • Eberhard Grube(Heart Center Bonn) : Early results with dedicated mitral valves

TAVR (10月26日)

  • Stefan Bertog(Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center) : Live transmission from Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center,Minneapolis, USA
  • Rajendra Makkar(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) : TAVR for younger and low risk patients: what are the concerns?
  • Pro and con of embolic protection as a standard for TAVR
  • Eberhard Grube(Heart Center Bonn) : Pro
  • Brian Whisenant(Intermountain Heart Institute) : Con
  • Suneet Mittal(Valley Health System) : When should RV pacing be performed for TAVR?
  • New valves:
  • Rahul Sharma(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) : Centera Valve
  • Tarun Chakravarty(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) : New valves-New Lotus
  • Eberhard Grube(Heart Center Bonn) : Other new valves
  • Rajendra Makkar(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) : Best strategy to prevent leaflet thrombosis
  • Eberhard Grube(Heart Center Bonn) : Minimalist approach – Pro and con
  • Kirsten Tolstrup(University of California San Francisco) : Is there a role for TEE in TAVR
  • Horst Sievert(National Centre for Cardiovascular Diseases) : Strategy for bicuspid aortic valve diseases - Experiences from China
  • Horst Sievert(Cardiovascular Center Frankfurt) : The PerQSeal closure device

Live Only (10月26日)

  • Live transmission from:
  • Rajendra Makkar(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) : Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA
  • Stefan Bertog(Minneapolis Medical Center) : Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, USA
  • James Thompson(Inova Heart and Vascular Institute) : Inova Heart and Vascular Institute, Virginia, USA


  • Wade Smith(University of California San Francisco) : The diagnosis of ischemic and cryptogenic stroke
  • Mintu Turakhia(Stanford University Stanford) : Prevalence of ICH and role of OAC in preventing ischemic stroke
  • Michel Barakat(Health University of Utha) : Role of atrial fibrosis in stroke and AF
  • Gregory Marcus(University of California San Francisco) : AF Monitoring devices – What information do they provide for strokeprevention
  • James Cox(Northwestern University Chicago) : Can sinus rhythm be obtained in persistent and longstanding persistent AF?Implications for stroke prevention
  • David Wilber(Loyola University Medical Center Hines) : Implication of AF ablation studies? (Crystal AF, aMAZE, Cabanan, East)


  • Maurice Buchbinder(San Diego Cardiovascular Associates Foundation for Cardiovascular Medicine) : Rationale for LAA occlusion in the prevention of stroke – Efficacy, safety and cost benefits
  • Jonathan Hsu(University of California San Diego) : Should an epicardial LAA approach be considered in patients with contraindications to OAC therapy?
  • John Carroll(University of Colorado Hospital) : PFO closure: the long journey from experimental medicine to a class IArecommendation
  • James Freeman(Yale University) : Should LAA closure be performed routinely during surgery? Impact on stroke
  • Guy Shinar(Javelin Medical) : A new minimally invasive concept for permanent stroke prevention


  • Horst Sievert(Cardiovascular Center Frankfurt) : Recorded case: PFO closure with Amplatzer PFO occluder - step by step
  • David Wilber(Loyola University Medical Center) : How do you prevent stroke in the anticoagulation contraindicated patient?
  • David Holmes(Mayo Clinic) : How serious is device related thrombus? Real life perspective.
  • James Cox(Northwestern University) : LAA closure and leaks: What is the significance?
  • Edward Gerstenfeld(University of California San Francisco) : Should AF ablation be used to prevent CHF?
  • Byron Lee(University of California San Francisco) : Vest predicts: what did we learn?
  • Mark La Meir(Academic Hospital Maastricht) : Surgical Treatment of inappropriate sinus tachycardia and POTTS syndrome
  • Jayanthi Koneru(VCU Health) : His Bundle pacing instead of CRT?


  • Yuval Binur(Arsuf Partners) : CV innovations - where are we heading to in the changing world
  • Peter Fitzgerald(Stanford University) : What could be the next really ground breaking innovations in cardiovascularmedicine?


  • Vijay Swarup(Arizona Heart Rhythm Center) : Live transmission from Arizona Heart Rhythm Center, Phoenix, USA
  • Krzysztof Bartus(Jagiellonian University) : LAA closure with LARIAT: influence on hormonal regulation and coagulation
  • David Holmes(Mayo Clinic) : Real World Experience for LAA closure
  • Michael Hoskins(Emory Heart & Vascular Center at Clifton) : Does LAA closure for the treatment of AF make sense?
  • Jonathan Hsu(University of California San Diego) : Is there a role for LAA closure devices and low dose OAC therapy?
  • Jacqueline Saw(Vancouver General Hospital) : LAA US trials: Ongoing and future trials
  • Randall Lee(University of California San Francisco) : Case presentations of different LAA cases – Determination of the optimal LAA closure device

PFO CLOSURE (10月27日)

  • Karl Meisel(University of California San Francisco) : A deep dive into the Amplatzer PFO trials
  • Matthew Price(Scripps Clinic) : REDUCE deep dive
  • Debate: size of PFO and right to left shunt ….
  • John Rhodes(Medical University of South Carolina), Jr. : matters
  • Matthew Price(Scripps Clinic) : doesn’t matter
  • Matthew Price(Scripps Clinic) : Atrial fibrillation after PFO closure: how frequent? How to deal with it? What isthe prognosis?
  • John Rhodes(Medical University of South Carolina), Jr. : CARDIOFORM vs. Helex closure rate
  • Keshav Nayak(Naval Medical Center San Diego) : Should we close PFOs in divers before something happens?

SHARK TANK (non CME accredited) (10月27日)

