10576 人次

Best Abstract Competition (10月6日)

  • Chairpersons : Adrian Cheong(HK), Li-wah Tam(HK)
  • Judges : Liang Chow(HK), Yim-ming Ng(HK), Ping-tim Tsui(HK)
  • Priyadarshini Arunakumar(India) : Outcome of Ductal Stenting in Infants
  • Kevin KH Kam(HK) : Direction of Peri-device Leak Predicts Device Thrombus and Stroke After Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion
  • Kent CY So(HK) : Minimalistic Approach to Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Using the LAmbre Device
  • Sunny TC So(HK) : Efficacy and Safety Outcomes of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation for Bicuspid Aortic Stenosis

Live Transmission From Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong (10月6日)

  • Chairpersons : Mazeni Alwi(Malaysia), Robin HS Chen(HK)
  • Panelists : Mao Chen(China), Eddie WY Cheung(HK), Pak-cheong Chow(HK), Apostolos Tzikas(Greece)
  • Pulmonary Valve
  • Worakan Promphan(Thailand) : Case Selection for PPVI
  • Gi-beom Kim(Korea) : Update of Pulsta Valve(New Self-Expandable Knitted Pulmonary Valve)
  • Robin HS Chen(HK) : Initial Experience of PPVI in Hong Kong
  • Case 1
  • Case 2

Live Transmission From Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong (10月6日)

  • Chairpersons : Xavier Freixa(Spain), Jason KC Ko(HK)
  • Panelists : Teiji Akagi(Japan), Hidehiko Hara(Japan), Takashi Matsumoto(Japan), Vincent WS Ng (HK)
  • PFO
  • Hidehiko Hara(Japan) : Updates on PFO Closure in Evidence
  • Xavier Freixa(Spain) : Differences in the PFO Closure Devices
  • Teiji Akagi(Japan) : PFO Closure in Asia: How Do We Manage the Brain-Heart Team?
  • Case 3
  • Case 4

Lunch Symposium sponsored by Venus Medtech (10月6日)

  • Chairpersons : Yat-yin Lam (HK), Chi-ming Wong(HK), Ziyad Hijazi(Qatar)
  • Panelists : Qi-ling Cao (Qatar), Mao Chen (China), Jou-kou Wang (Taiwan)
  • Yat-yin Lam(HK) : The Development of Valvar Interventions in China
  • Mao Chen(China) : New Strategies of Treating Bicuspid Aortic Valves
  • Hai-bo Zhang(China) : TAVR in China- Perspectives from Cardiac Surgeons
  • Ziyad Hijazi(Qatar) : Global Updates on Percutaneous Pulmonic Valve Technologies

Opening Ceremony (10月6日)

  • Guest of Honor : Dr Tak-yi Chui, JP Under Secretary for Food and Health, Food and Health Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

APCASH 2018 Distinguished Lecture (10月6日)

  • Chairpersons : Xavier Freixa(Spain), Gabriel WK Yip(HK)
  • Apostolos Tzikas(Greece) : Interventional Cardiology in Stroke  Prevention

Live Transmission From Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong and Rigshospitalet, Denmark (10月6日)

  • Chairpersons : Gary SH Cheung(HK), Eugene B Wu(HK)
  • Panelists : Daniel TL Chan (HK), Ka-lung Chui (HK), Joe KT Lee (HK), Edgar Tay (Singapore)
  • TAVI
  • Edgar Tay(Singapore) : Update on TAVI in Indication
  • Lars Søndergaard(Denmark) : TAVI in Patients with Cardiogenic Shock: Who, When and How?
  • Marvin Eng (USA) : Trans-caval TAVI
  • Case 5
  • Case 6

Live Transmission From Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong and Rigshospitalet, Denmark (10月6日)

  • Chairpersons : Simon CC Lam(HK), Apostolos Tzikas(Greece)
  • Panelists : Anna KY Chan (HK), Danny HF Chow (HK), Kevin KH Kam (HK), Jung-sun Kim (Korea), Alex PW Lee (HK)
  • LAAO
  • Apostolos Tzikas(Greece) : Update on LAAO in Device Selection and Sizing
  • Jung-sun Kim (Korea) : Utility of CT in LAA Occlusion
  • Xavier Freixa (Spain) : Left Atrial Appendage Closure Guidance with A Micro TEE Probe
  • Case 7
  • Case 8
  • Case 9

Live Transmission From National Taiwan University Children's Hospital, Taiwan (10月7日)

  • Chairpersons : Adolphus KT Chau(HK), Woraken Promphan(Thailand)
  • Panelists : Ki-wan Chan(HK), Nguyen Lan Hieu(Vietnam), Jens Erik Nielsen-Kudsk(Denmark), Eric HK So(HK)
  • Congenital Heart Intervention
  • Jae-young Choi(Korea) : Device Occlusion of ASD in the Setting of Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Do Nguyen Tin(Vietnam) : Multi-Functional Occluder
  • Yu-mei Xie(China) : Initial Experience of Biodegradable ASD Occluder, from Animal to Human
  • Ziyad Hijazi(Qatar) : Coarctation Stenting in Adults
  • Case 1

Live Transmission From National Taiwan University Children's Hospital, Taiwan (10月7日)

  • Chairpersons : Bharat Dalvi(India), Michael KY Lee(HK)
  • Panelists : Shing-fung Chui(HK), Maria SH Lee(HK), Vincent WS Ng(HK), Louisa KH Poon(HK)
  • Mitral Valve
  • Takashi Matsumoto (Japan) : Update on Percutaneous Mitral Valve Repair in Device Selection
  • Saibal Kar (USA) : Update on the Latest Data of Mitraclip
  • Marvin Eng (USA) : Update on Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement
  • Case 2

Sponsored Lectures (10月7日)

  • Chairpersons : Wilson WM Chan(HK), Boron CW Cheng(HK), Steven SL Li(HK)
  • Alex PW Lee(HK) : Novel Imaging Technique for Structural Heart Disease: Blood Speckle Imaging (Sponsored by Shun On)
  • Geetha Kandavello(Malaysia) : PAH Associated with ASD: Who Is The Culprit? (Sponsored by Actelion)
  • Jason LK Chan (HK) : The New Update of Lipid Therapy in the Setting of Acute Coronary Syndrome (Sponsored by Sanofi)

Lunch Symposium Sponsored by Abbott (10月7日)

  • Chairpersons : Jeffery WH Fung(HK), Vincent OH Kwok(HK), Hung-fat Tse(HK)
  • Jens Erik Nielsen-Kudsk(Denmark) : ICE-guided LAAO and Comparison Versus TEE
  • Saibal Kar(USA) : COAPT - Evidence for FMR

Sponsored Lectures by Medtronic (10月7日)

  • Chairpersons : Jeffery WH Fung(HK), Vincent OH Kwok(HK), Hung-fat Tse(HK)
  • Ziyad Hijazi(Qatar) : State of the Art of the Melody Valve
  • Danny HF Chow(HK) : How Would You Manage A Hepatitis C Patient with Esophageal Varices and True Bicuspid Aortic Valve Stenosis?

Advances in Structural Heart Intervention (10月7日)

  • Chairpersons : Marvin Eng(USA), Reda Ibrahim(Canada)
  • Panelists : Saibal Kar(USA), Vincent NH Luk(HK), Shou-pang Wong(HK)
  • Saibal Kar(USA) : MitraClip in Tricuspid Valve
  • Simon CC Lam(HK) : Latest Progress in the Percutaneous Tricuspid Valve Intervention
  • Jason LK Chan(HK) : Updates on Embolic Protection Devices during TAVI
  • Gary SH Cheung (HK) : Creation of An Atrial Septal Defect for Decompression of the Left Atrium in Heart Failure Patients : Atiral Flow Regular
  • Reda Ibrahim (Canada) : Choices of Devices and Imaging in Percutaneous PVL Closure

Best Clinical Case Competition (10月7日)

  • Chairpersons : Jason LK Chan(HK), Gary SH Cheung(HK)
  • Judges : Bharat Dalvi(India), Marvin Eng(USA), Xavier Freixa(Spain), Ziyad Hijazi(Qatar), Reda Ibrahim(Canada), Saibal Kar(USA), Do Nguyen Tin(Vietnam), Apostolos Tzikas(Greece)
  • Priyadarshini Arunakumar(India) : Transcatheter Closure of Aortopulmonary Window with Lifetech VSD Occluder
  • Yoshifumi Nakajima(Japan) : Transcatheter Treatment of Severe Mitral Regurgitation with Dehisced Surgical Ring
  • Kent CY So(HK) : All Roads Lead to Rome
  • Tadanori Nakata(Japan) : Optimal Leaflet Grasping with Rapid Pacing during Percutaneous Mitral Valve Repair with the MitraClip NTTM System
  • Saima Mangi(Malaysia) : Pulmonary Artery Rehabilitation Post Ductal Stenting
  • Joyce WY Chan(HK) : Calcified Left Atrium: Mitral Valve Replacement with Cerebral Protection Device in the Hybrid Theatre

Closing Remarks (10月7日)