6935 人次
Peripheral Live 2018 (2018-09-15)
殷偉賢 理事長, 張詩聖 主任 : Welcome & Opening Remarks
Live Transmission I
Moderators 李政翰, 李秉純, 梁慧隆
Commentators 許栢超, 謝慕揚, 李明禮, 許智翔
IVUS Commentator 張偉俊
Operator: 吳典育, 謝禮全 / 吳典育, 徐中和 : Room 1 Case 1: May-Thurner Syndrome for Venovo Stenting / Case 2: Acute DVT, left leg for PTA
Operator: Osami Kawarada, 盧炯睿 : Room 2: Left SFA CTO (IVUS Guidance)
Yoshiaki Yokoi : Basic Angioplasty for SFA Intervention
徐中和 : Long Term Results for Viabahn Graft Stent in Restenotic Left Innominate Vein
李明禮 : Combined Central Vein Stenting and Banding of Ipsilateral Escape Internal Jugular Vein for Rapid Resolution of Embarrassing Swollen Hemiface in a Hemodialysis Patient
Live Transmission II
Moderators 陳俊吉, 黃玄禮, 甘宗旦
Commentators 王宗道, 吳敘平, 丁志中, 李任光, 鍾文榮
IVUS Commentator 張偉俊
Operator: 謝禮全, 盧炯睿 : Room 1: V3H for Repeated Left Innominate Vein Stenosis
Operator: Su-Hong Kim, Yoshiaki Yokoi, 徐中和 : Room 2: RAART for RSFA Diffuse Calcified Lesion
蕭浩明 : Peripheral Stent Design. How does it matters
李任光 : DAART for CLI
Steven Kum : Eluvia Application for CLI Case
Lunch Symposium Review 2017 Peripheral Live Case
Moderators 李政翰, Min-Ku Chon, 柯博仁
Commentators 王奇彥, 林俊呈, 劉尊睿
盧威達 : Case 1: Jetstream for Long Calcified CFA/SFA
李政翰 : Case 3: Carotid artery Disease (Transbrachial Approach)
黃成偉 : Case 4: Subclavian Artery CTO
李文煌 : Case 5: Long SFA CTO (IVUS-guided PTA)
Live Transmission III
Moderators 李文領, Min-Ku Chon, 柯博仁
Commentators 朱崧毓, 李明峰, 周星輝, 陳怡芝, 黃懷緒
IVUS Commentator 張偉俊
Operator: 徐中和, 王駿丞 : Room 2: Laser or Rotarex for Occluded RSFA Viabahn Graft Stent
Osami Kawarada : Contemporary CLI: Asian Multidisciplinary ConsensusStatement on the Collaboration Between EndovascularTherapy and Wound Care
Min-Ku Chon : Roles of a Vessel Mimetic Stent
Su-Hong Kim : DAART & RAART: Where has it turned out & What's the problem?
Live Transmission IV
Moderators 殷偉賢, 林佳勳, 詹志洋
Commentators 陳偉華, 薛書凱, 蘇峻弘, 魏日華, 李信賦
IVUS Commentator 張偉俊
Operator: Steven Kum, 盧炯睿 : Room 1: Hawkone/Eluvia for LSFA Restenosis after DCB Use
Yoshiaki Yokoi : Endovascular Strategy for SFA Disease in DCB Era - To stent or not to stent -
吳典育 : Safe Close – Femoral Puncture Site Management
張坤正 主任 : Closing Remarks