OCC-WCC 2024 丨WCC房颤论坛:关注患者个体化需求,共议精准防治之策

第十八届东方心脏病学会议(The 18th Oriental Congress of Cardiology,OCC 2024)和世界心脏病学大会(World Congress of Cardiology,WCC 2024)将于2024年6月27-30日在上海国际会议中心召开。作为此次盛会的重要组成部分,多位国内外权威专家将共同探讨房颤检测和管理的新理念新策略,为提升房颤综合防治水平贡献智慧。


The 18th Oriental Congress of Cardiology (OCC 2024) and The World Congress of Cardiology (WCC 2024) will be held from June 27-30, 2024, at Shanghai International Conference Centre.As an essential component of this grand event, esteemed experts from around the world will gather to explore new concepts and strategies for detecting and managing atrial fibrillation, contributing their wisdom to advancing comprehensive prevention and treatment.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmic disease, exposing patients to the risk of severe complications such as stroke and heart failure. With the acceleration of population aging, the prevalence of atrial fibrillation is rising annually, posing significant challenges to clinical diagnosis and treatment. This forum will comprehensively analyze strategies for atrial fibrillation detection and management, laying the foundation for precise prevention and treatment.

  • 论坛时间:2024年6月28日 星期五
  • 论坛地点:上海国际会议中心明珠厅
  • 论坛坛主:上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院李毅刚教授、布宜诺斯艾利斯大学Daniel Piñeiro教授

  • Forum Date: Friday, June 28, 2024
  • Forum Venue: Pearl Hall, Shanghai International Conference Centre
  • Forum Chairs:
Professor Yigang Li, Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;
Professor Daniel Piñeiro, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Daniel Piñeiro教授


Analyzing Risk Factors, Optimizing Screening Pathways


此外,智利的Fernando Lanas教授和西班牙的José Gonzalez-Juanatey教授也将分享本国房颤患病率、治疗及影响的情况,剖析全球范围内的差异性,为制定有针对性的预防控制策略贡献国际经验。

In the first thematic session, renowned experts from China and abroad will jointly discuss the association between high-risk factors such as obesity and heart failure with atrial fibrillation, delving into the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation. Professor Yihong Sun will elucidate the impact of obesity on atrial fibrillation, providing a theoretical basis for screening high-risk populations.

Furthermore, Professor Fernando Lanas from Chile and Professor José Gonzalez-Juanatey from Spain will share their respective countries' experiences regarding the prevalence, treatment, and impact of atrial fibrillation, analyzing global disparities and contributing international perspectives to formulate targeted prevention and control strategies.


Personalized Management, Improving Patient Outcomes


陈明龙教授将探讨持续性房颤患者应采取单纯肺静脉隔离还是结构性心脏病改型等更大程度消融的治疗方式;Amam Mbakwem教授将剖析射血分数保留型心衰合并房颤的管理困境及对策。


Patients with atrial fibrillation and multiple comorbidities often require more complex personalized treatment regimens. In the second thematic session, the conference will focus on hot topics such as ablation therapy for persistent atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation concomitant with heart failure, and atrial fibrillation related to non-cardiac surgery procedures.

Professor Minglong Chen will explore whether patients with persistent atrial fibrillation should undergo pulmonary vein isolation alone or more extensive ablation procedures targeting structural heart disease remodeling. Professor Amam Mbakwem will also analyze the management challenges and solutions for atrial fibrillation in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

Additionally, Professor Qunshan Wang will elucidate the advantages of a one-stop procedure combining catheter ablation with left atrial appendage occlusion for patients with atrial fibrillation, providing clinicians with a novel and feasible approach to deliver more precise and efficient comprehensive care for patients.


Gathering International Wisdom, Collaborating on Prevention and Treatment Strategies


例如,澳大利亚的Ben Freedman教授将重点阐述房颤管理中的全球差距及应对之策,为缩小不同地区之间的差异性提供切实可行的建议。通过经验分享和头脑风暴,与会专家将为房颤精准检测、个体化治疗和综合管理等领域提供全新视角和思路。

The conference will bring together seasoned experts from various countries and regions, including Chile, Spain, Nigeria, and Australia. They will share their respective experiences and practices in atrial fibrillation prevention and treatment, analyze common challenges and shortcomings, and contribute their insights toward establishing a more comprehensive diagnostic and treatment system.

For instance, Professor Ben Freedman from Australia will focus on addressing global gaps and solutions in atrial fibrillation management, providing practical recommendations for narrowing regional disparities. Through experience sharing and brainstorming, the participating experts will offer fresh perspectives and insights for precise detection, personalized treatment, and comprehensive management of atrial fibrillation.

我们诚挚期待,在OCC-WCC 2024房颤论坛上,与会专家将充分交流研讨,为房颤的精准检测、个体化治疗和综合管理提供全新视角,共同推进该领域的学术进步,造福更多患者!

We sincerely look forward to the OCC-WCC 2024 Atrial Fibrillation Forum, where experts from around the world will engage in extensive discussions and exchanges, providing novel perspectives on precise detection, personalized treatment, and comprehensive management of atrial fibrillation. Together, we will advance academic progress in this field and benefit more patients!





Conference Dates:June 27-30, 2024

Conference Venue:Shanghai International Convention Center

Registration Website:www.occmd.org

审核:李毅刚  钱菊英 陆国平 徐亚伟


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