  拯救孩子的生命是一项永不停歇的工作。先天性心脏病患儿的修复手术费用昂贵且在云南省有限的医疗设备下很难完成,很多病例都被记录为原因不明。然而在过去的十年间,73岁的医生Robert Detran穿梭在云南的城镇和乡村寻找那些有先心病的婴儿及儿童,帮助他们。这个月他要发起一场从大理徒步走到丽江的募捐活动,为这些小孩募集手术费并希望引起整个社会对先心病儿童的关注,徒步全程163公里。
  Saving the lives of children is tireless work. The surgical repair of complex congenital heart conditions is prohibitively expensive and children with these types of birth defects cannot be treated within Yunnan province. Many cases are simply chalked up as lost causes. However, for more than a decade, 73 year-old Dr Robert Detrano has crisscrossed provincial cities and countryside towns in search of infants and children with complex heart disease. This month, he will set out on a 163-kilometer walk from Dali (大理) to Lijiang (丽江) to raise money and awareness for children suffering from these life-threatening ailments.
  10月14日开始的“为心行走”活动,Detrano是想为像Lu Yong一样的先心病孩子筹集善款。 Lu Yong年仅两岁就被确诊患有严重的紫绀型心脏病,可是国家的医疗保险没有覆盖到他。此次徒步活动将于10月14日上午7:00,从大理古城洱海门出发,一路走到丽江大研古城。Dentrano解释说这次徒步并不简单,但这么做有他的用心。
  Begining October 14, Detrano will embark on the journey, highlighting the situations of children such as Lu Yong — diagnosed at the age of two with severe cyanotic heart disease — who cannot receive adequate insurance reimbursements to cover the costs of his surgery. The hike will begin at Erhai Gate in Dali Old Town (大理古城洱海门) at 7am on October 14. Detrano will finish at Lijiang's Dayan Old Town (丽江古城大研古城). Detrano explains that the walk will be difficult, and for good reason, saying.
  I want it to be challenging and painful. Many of the kids have constant trouble breathing. They can't exercise. One little girl we've identified has a problem with her aorta, and as a result, her brain doesn't ever get enough oxygen to function properly. She constantly has severe headaches. I want the people walking with me, and anyone who hears about the walk, to get just a glimpse of how difficult and painful it often is for these kids to live.
  2006年Detrano建立了中加心脏健康检查(China-California Heart Watch)这一非政府非盈利医疗救助机构,十年间已经帮助超过500名云南的先心病患儿做手术,其中三十位如果没有得到有效救治将直接导致死亡。目前筛查到五个孩子包括Lu Yang,面临和过去这三十位同样的危险。最典型的一台先心病手术花费是人民币6-10万元,但这样的手术在云南现有的医疗条件下没有办法完成。
  China-California Heart Watch, the charitable organization founded by Detrano in 2006, has thus far helped fund and perform over five-hundred heart surgeries on children in Yunnan. Thirty of those cases were diagnosed as imminently fatal without medical intervention. Five children, including Lu Yong, now face similar situations. A typical surgery — which are generally too complicated to properly perform in Yunnan hospitals — costs between 60,000 and 100,000 yuan (US$9,000-15,000).
  这么多年昆明慷慨地给予了如同中加心脏健康检查一样的慈善机构很多支持,不论是通过公共的还是个人的慈善活动。我们希望这样的善举能够继续。去年Have a Heart基金成功的为病危的孩子募得6万元。2009年Detrano在云南的非政府组织向大家介绍了中国目前对农村先心病患儿的关注的匮乏。今天他的脚步没有停下来,每迈出一步都有可能拯救一个小孩。
  For many years, the Kunming community has given generously to charities like Heart Watch through public charity events and private contributions. We hope it can again. The Have a Heart fundraiser, held last November, managed to raise more than 60,000 yuan for at-risk kids. And as far back as 2009, Detrano's Yunnan-based NGO contributed stories explaining just how unaware Chinese urbanites are of inadequate rural cardiac healthcare conditions. His work continues to move forward today, one step and one child at a time.
  GoKunming urges the Kunming community, as well as those living abroad, to dig deep and help Dr Detrano raise as much money as possible for this vital cause. Donations can be made at the Walk for Hearts campaign via fundraising site YouCaring or by giving directly to the organization at ChinaCal. Detrano would also like people to join him for the walk. The more people involved, the more attention and media focus it can gather.
  People who would like to join in the walk — for one hour, one day, or one week — should leave a note in the comments section of the YouCaring page or contact ChinaCal directly. Corporate sponsorships are also available. Detrano will wear a company or organization's t-shirt when donations of more than 20,000 yuan (US$3,000) are received. In-person cash donations can also be made at Salvador's Coffee House and Slice of Heaven. If you know a company that is willing to become a sponsor or donate, please get in touch through the ChinaCal website or by sending a message with the subject heading "Detrano" to the GoKunming contact form.
  如果您有认识的企业愿意赞助或者捐赠这次活动,给更多的先心病儿童得到医治的机会,请通过Chinacal的官网直接联系或者在GoKunming 主页底部contact处留言,标题请统一写为Detrano。
The itinerary of the the “Walk for Hearts” , Dali to Lijiang hike.
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