冠脉论坛-1 冠脉钙化论坛
Coronary Artery Disease Forum-1 Coronary Artery Calcification Forum
09/23 08:00-10:20
08:00-08:20中国2020钙化旋磨数据解读Data interpretation of coronary calcification rotational atherectomy technology in China at 2020
08:40-09:00冠脉钙化病变腔内影像学进展The progress of intravascular imaging for coronary artery calcification
09:00-09:20冠脉钙化病变介入治疗的并发症与预防Complications and prevention of interventional therapy for coronary artery calcification
09:20-09:40冠脉钙化病变预处理的新器械和新进展Latest devices and progress in pretreatment of coronary artery calcification
09:40-10:00冠脉严重钙化病变合并CTO的处理策略及技巧Treatment strategies and techniques for severe coronary artery calcification combined with CTO