Learning Transseptal Puncture
09/21 13:30-14:30
影像学习中心-双语(5楼 武侯厅) (Imaging Learning Center-International (5F Room Wuhou))
13:30-14:30诚邀您与我们一起: - 熟悉房间隔的解剖结构及其与周围结构的解剖关系 - 通过分步学习掌握如何安全地进行房间隔穿刺 - 了解在哪些情况下房间隔穿刺可能会遇到困难以及如何成功应对Join us if you want: - To understand the anatomy of the inter-atrial septum its the relation to surrounding structures - To learn step-by-step how to perform a transseptal puncture safely - To understand when it can be difficult to perform a transseptal puncture and how to achieve success under such circumstances