Multimodality Imaging for Transcatheter Mitral Valve Interventions
09/21 11:00-12:30
影像学习中心-双语(5楼 武侯厅) (Imaging Learning Center-International (5F Room Wuhou))
11:00-12:30诚邀您与我们一起: - 理解二尖瓣环S曲线和相关解剖结构及其与经导管二尖瓣介入治疗的关系 - 了解上述信息与超声心动图和透视影像的对应关系 - 学习如果基于上述方法进行二尖瓣介入术前规划及潜在解剖难点预判Join us if you want: - To understand the mitral valve annulus S-curve and associated anatomical configurations in relation to transcatheter mitral valve interventions - To appreciate how this information correlates with echocardiographic imaging and conventional fluoroscopic projections - To use this approach to plan your procedure and anticipate potential anatomical challenges